Our Story

Our love story is an amazing fairytale, bringing together the lives, the prayers, and the dreams of two people who are completely convinced the God is the best author of love stories, and that He is in the business of writing them! Every time we take time to remember how it all happened, we are amazed all over again at how perfectly God planned our lives for each other, and all the care He has taken to bring us together in just the right time and way. We both went through years of waiting and praying that God would bring us the one meant for us. We both experienced times of doubt and discouragement, wondering if God really did have a plan, and so we are both excited with His perfect answer!
So how did it all happen? Joseph has lived in North Carolina all his life. He grew up with lots of close family and friends and was an active member of his local church. School and then work kept him busy, and he was happily settled in life, except that the perfect girl to share it all with didn't seem to be in his corner of the globe, and she never seemed to cross his path. But then, just short of his twenty-ninth birthday, he met someone who would change history for him.
Ashley's family moved to North Carolina in August, 2011 when she was twenty-three. Her family had moved often in her growing up years, and somehow friends seemed to come and go with the different moves. She was homeschooled and then had gone on to work from home for her father's mail order business, so her sisters were her closest friends. She had met many people from their different moves, but never Mr. Right. Soon after moving to North Carolina, Ashley and her family visited the Washington SDA Church where they moved their membership just after arriving in the state. The first week they were there they met Ray and Charlotte Moore, Joseph's parents. They were so warm and friendly, and did so much to make the Brinley family feel at home in their new church. It was some time however, before Ashley learned that Ray and Charlotte had a son.
In October the Brinleys decided to host a harvest party at their home and invite their church members out for a social time. Charlotte came and brought her son Joseph. That was the first time we met. We had such a good time that evening, and that kind of lighted a spark.
The next time we saw each other was another church-related activity in December. The Washington church decided to make christmas tree ornaments to give out as an outreach in the neighborhood, so we planned to stay after potluck one week in December and put them together. Charlotte had agreed to help with the project, so she brought Joseph and a friend of his along to help with it. We ended up sitting across the table from each other while twisting pipe cleaners around candy canes to make candy cane reindeer, and while we worked, we talked. We were both surprised at how easy it was to talk, and how much fun we had together. After that, we both had a hard time forgetting about the other one.
The following week there was to be a Christmas program at the Washington church on Saturday evening. After church and potluck, several members from church gathered to go Christmas caroling in the neighborhood before the evening program. Ashley and her family were part of the caroling group. About half-way around the neighborhood Joseph joined the group as he had come down from Greenville where he had been for church. We had a good time visiting between houses until we got back to the church, and then everyone was busy getting ready for the evening program.
Just a few minutes before the program was to start we were informed that the song leader was not going to make it to the program, so we needed to find a replacement. There was not much time, and not many people there to choose from as most had not arrived yet. Ashley and her sister Lacey were discussing the problem when Ashley turned around to the seat behind where Joseph and his mom were sitting and said with a smile “Joseph would do a good job!” He wasn't very committal on that point just then. Ashley had to go out and check on a few details before the program started. Joseph had also stepped out, and they met again in the foyer just before going in to get started. Ashley went up to him and started to ask him again if he could fill in as song leader, but about half-way through she looked up into his big brown eyes, and it was the magic moment - one of those that only lasts a split second and leaves you wondering if you imagined it, or if the other person felt it like you did. But both of them had, and Joseph agreed to lead the songs that evening. Ashley was involved in playing and singing for several special selections with her sisters, and whenever she was up front, looking out into the audience, it seemed those big brown eyes were out there, looking back. Then they would swap places and Joseph would be up front leading a congregational song, and Ashley could observe from the audience. It was an interesting evening, and afterwards we had the opportunity to visit more over refreshments before going home.
The next day Ashley and her family were leaving for Michigan to take care of her grandmother's estate as she had recently passed away. It was hard to leave and be gone over the holidays, but the memory of that evening went with both of them and neither one could forget the other over the holidays. While in Michigan, Ashley emailed Charlotte a few times to let her know how things were going and that they had made it to their destination. She mentioned missing North Carolina and being anxious to be home again. The day the Brinleys returned home, December 28, Ashley found an email in her inbox from Joseph welcoming her home, and that kind of got things started. Ashley emailed back, and after that, they hardly missed a day writing to each other. They began spending time together, usually on weekends with their families or with church-related projects. They spent a couple of Sundays chopping and hauling firewood from the church property where trees had come down, and that kind of set a tone for lots of practical projects that they tackled together, and they began to realize more and more how well they worked together.
Just after Christmas a friend of Lacey's visited the Brinley family and was spending some time in their home, so the girls were looking for things to do while the friend was visiting. They decided to take a trip on a Friday up to visit the aquarium on Okracoke Island, so Ashley invited Joseph to come along for the day. It would be Lacey and her friend, Ashley, and Joseph. It was our first date, and we remember the fun we had that day, even though Ashley did do the asking out:) Shortly after, Joseph asked her out to spend a day with him touring Greenville and meeting more of his family. We had lunch at a little Italian cafe, so maybe that was our first “official date.”
One month after that first email, on January 28 after church we went down to walk at the Washington waterfront. After walking we sat on a bench to rest and talk and that was when we had the discussion about our relationship and where we were headed. We both agreed that we were serious about looking into the possibility of taking our relationship to the finish line.
Our relationship continued to blossom and grow with the changing seasons. We spent many fun times together, did many projects, took trips, spent time with each other's families, and spent regular time on the phone, emailing, studying, and praying together every day. Six months after we had begun our relationship, on June 28, we spent a special evening together with a picnic at a little park in Belhaven. That evening Joseph promised that someday he would ask Ashley to marry him, but she didn't think he'd propose until the end of the year, maybe around the holidays.
Summer was nearly over and we were celebrating eight months to our relationship on August 28. We planned to meet at Joseph's family cottage on the river to share a meal and go out for a boat ride. Ashley met Joseph at his office as he was finishing work and we drove to the river together. Joseph planned the menu and prepared a lovely candlelight meal. We had planned to eat on the boat, but it was raining, so we had a candlelight dinner on the porch, then retreated inside where it was a little warmer to finish dessert. By this time, the rain had stopped so Joseph offered to take Ashley out for a boat ride down to the waterfront to see the lights from the water as she had wanted to do that before summer was over. The stars were beautiful and the lights on the water were spectacular when we reached the waterfront. We floated in the bay while we admired the lovely scenery, then Joseph got down on one knee to ask the question, and presented Ashley with a lovely wrist watch for an engagement present. She was so surprised it took a few minutes for her to answer, but she already knew what she wanted to say. That evening we made an agreement to “love forever”.
When we got back to the boat dock, our families were waiting for us to congratulate us, so it was a very special evening, and the commitment we made to each other is one that we are looking forward to making public when we stand together and say our vows on May 27, 2013. We are looking forward to continuing to grow in that relationship until then, and to continue with a “happily ever after”.

True Love Stories Never Have Endings!